sábado, 30 de abril de 2011
Friendship? :\ Now I don't know...
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011
domingo, 24 de abril de 2011
Zombie Dream~~

I was about to get the eyes when a soft hand waked me up. What a waste, I gave up half of my life time and I couldn't even use the eyes xD hahahaa xD this is one of my weirdest dream ever! xD
miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011
The Dream Taker...
The Dream Taker
She might know everything about dreams, but she still won’t dream because all those dreams that she had stolen.
ﻰChapter One: The Girl Without Dreams ﻰ
Emily was a normal kid. She was ten years old when she stopped dreaming. She was a smart girl and she liked sports. She has a big imagination and it was fun to be with her.
‘Why can’t I dream anymore?’ she asked to her mom. ‘Sometimes people can’t dream, honey’ her mom answered ‘but don’t worry, that’s only temporary’.
She felt a little bit better with what her mom has said, but one week passed and she still couldn’t dream.
‘Why I can’t dream anymore daddy?’ she asked to her dad.
‘Sometimes people is too tired to think about something and their brains can’t make any dream until they are full rested’ he answered her.
‘That’s it! Maybe I’m just tired!’
Emily was excited because she had probably found the reason of her disappeared dreams, so she when to her room and lied on the bed all noon trying to sleep, but she was so excited that she couldn’t until it was very late at night. She hadn’t gone to eat dinner nor lunch the day before because she really wanted to have dreams again, so the next morning her head hurt very badly and she was starving but still not in humor to go an eat.
She got sick for the next two days but she still couldn’t dream.
Poor Emily went asking from door to door to everyone she knew about her ‘illness’ but it was worthless, no one knew what was happening to her and no one had the answer for her dreamless nights.
A year passed and Emily hadn’t dreamed anything yet. Once she had seen a light in the middle of the night, she thought that it was the beginning of a dream, but it resulted to be her sister going to the restroom at three am.
Emily wasn’t the girl she had been once. She stopped wearing colorful dresses and started wear jeans and gray-color t-shirts. She didn’t draw anymore because she hasn’t the inspiration that her dreams have given her once and she didn’t tell crazy stories because she didn’t have anything else to tell.
All her family was worried about her because she wasn’t the energetic girl she used to be, but soon they started to think that it was because of the adolescence.
Emily had a mother a father, a young sister and a baby brother. They lived two blocks from her granny’s house and fifteen minutes far from the school.
She had many friends but she enjoyed more to be with Jonathan and Melissa, her BFFs.
As she changed, her friends started to go away and disappear from her life, including John and Melly, who were the last ones on let her down.
Emily tried so hard to have dreams again and get her old life back that she was almost scary. She was always searching for a way to dream and practically she knew everything about dreams, she could tell you the meaning of your dream and she even could interpreted them.
She was always telling Jessy, her sister, about the meaning of her dreams, but still she hasn’t any dreams at night and secretly she envied Jessy for her crazy dreams.
One day, tired of all that ‘dreaming stuff’ as her mom called it, she begun to think that there were people that didn’t even like to dream, so she searched for a way to take those unwanted dreams and make them hers. Failing at it and deciding that it was a very childless way of think, so she moved her head trying to blow the thinking away.
She went to her computer next to the window and entered to the internet. Five hours passed away before she realized how late it was. She took a last view to the blog where she was ‘swimming’ and near to close the window and turn off the computer she saw a small square with the legend:
‘Dream taker’
The square was black with white letters, no images and no emoticons. Just the words. Emily gave a click to the link and instantly another window opened on the screen. It took five seconds to the page to charge and then appeared more words:
‘Thank you for using our services, your request had been send. ‘
She didn’t know what was the meaning of all that crazy stuff, usually, the junk on the internet were all fake promotions about super money, because it was in gnormus quantities, some scholarships, cellphone tunes or sometimes only annoying ‘games’ about the IQ, for a moment she got scared with the idea that it had been an automatic virus that right in that moment was starting to erase everything that she had saved, but after five minutes of waiting she decided that it had been some stupid joke from a smart-dude that wanted to scare people with the fake virus, so she turned off the computer and went straight to bed, and as it was usual now, she had another dreamless night.
No one suscribes ._.
I got a challenge!
XD I know is stupid because I don't have a scanner, but at least when I got one I can post them and see my progress B)
I dunno, I think it's a good idea
Starting today! <3
sábado, 16 de abril de 2011
Back to the 90's!!
viernes, 15 de abril de 2011
A little piece of heaven...
Not in the mood

Today I was feeling like poopy, but I think I'm better now :D!
sábado, 2 de abril de 2011
Good Morning~~