sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Beasty Boys!

XD well, this is a video I found on lockerz for facebook, so I think you need to log in to watch it xD it's extremely hilarious xD hope you like it! xD

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Okay, a lil' bit late, but here it is! :D

I know I hadn't post something like... two weeks or more, but here's the thing, (hope you don't get bored -.-)

Finally I entered to university school and I'm a freshmen this year, I've busy with my homework even though that my classes end before midday, that's because I'm too lazy to do it earlier in the day, like at three or four pm. xD

I also entered to the BASKETBALL team, even though I haven't play basketball since middle school, I gotta say that I know I'm not good at it, I'm pretty bad with throwing the ball, but I'm very fast and I think I can be a goo player if I keep playing. The think is that there are only 4 places available at the team and there are at least six girls more beside me who wants to enter to the team.

Right now it's raining! <3!! haha :)

I've been up till late at night trying to write the next chapter of my puppyshipping fanfic named : Introduction to something new' and I also need to start working at the translation to english. I would like my blog to get some fame :)

I've been drawing puppyshipping stuff to, but I'm to embarrassed as to show it :$ but anyway I'm gonna post it so I better get doing it, right? xD ahahaha

Today I got this cool book about Japanese languaje, practically a guide to learn the language, which I totally want to do! X33 the bad think is that I got it borrowed from a girl with serious personal issues ... like for example, she loves to tell lies and she always try to attract the attention from others, so I just hope I didn't make any mistake by trusting her just this one time.

Also I got the results from my so-important-English test B) I gotta say I got a 91/100 so it is very probable that I wont be having a class this semester B) which is awe
some because with the money of it I'm gonna be able to buy something that I want! :E!!

I hope everything goes well.

I'm leaving people, I just came back from my basketball practice and I'm exausted and sweaty X3 I'm gonna take a shower! :D see ya latter~~


PS: THANKS TO EVERYONE OUT THERE THAT ENJOYS MY BLOG!! :D I know it is kinda silly and stuff, but thank you very much for your support! :)! I promess I'll be posting more and more about my life and random stuff! see ya! X3 <3!!

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

Love sucks!

Never love. Otherwise you're gonna get hurt.

viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011

As hot as hell...

Ufff... tiempo que no me pasaba por aqui :)
Que puedo decir? ya estoy en Monterrey!! :D Finalmente en la universidad :)
El lunes pasado entre a unos cursos de la escuela, fueron tres dias solamente, pero vaya, que dias.
Conoci a varias personas que comparten gustos e intereses conmigo, espero que seamos amigos :)
Aqui en Monterrey es muy caliente, mas caliente que en mi antigua casa -.-'' debo decir que un dia 'fresco' aqui es como el dia mas caluroso de Valle, pero bueno. En este momento estoy sudando mucho x_X tal ves sea por toda el agua que he estado tomando (a causa del calor) , hacia mucho tiempo que no tomaba tanta agua segui, antes apenas y tomaba un vaso, ahora ya es casi todos los dias el tomarme dos litros diarios x_X Aunque eso es bueno.
Tambien es bueno el hecho de que al otro lado de la calle hay un peque;o parque en el que salgo a caminar o patinar con mi hermana casi todas las noches (se esta volviendo un habito) .

Ya estoy inscrita en la universidad, pero no empezare las clases hasta el lunes. Ense;are idiomas... ufff tengo todo un plan de vida ya pensado