This hasn't been my week u_U
I failed two subjects, which makes me really sad because even though I scored high, I failed them and the worst part of all is that I failed because of stupid little mistakes on the exam, like the signs.
I just feel so bad about it, I mean... I'm not of those people who cries because they got a 99 on their final grades (though I'll definitely cry if it happens to me), I'm more like 78-90 person. I don't like to have low grades, I feel like I disappoint my mother :/ she works so hard so me and my brothers (big sister, little brother) have a good education and I just don't get what the teachers are saying (that and the fact that I'm extremely shy sometimes) I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm becoming crazy, I can't get anything, at school my head just spin around... I feel like I'm failing on being a good daughter :/

I also feel bad because I failed as a friend too... I was doing a limited time homework and a friend came telling me that he was feeling sad bec
ause st
uff, I got angry because the thing he was complaining about was the same thing I had being sad time ago, so I told him that it wasn't my fault because I hadn't been with him and my group of friends lately and that they had done that to me several times before, I feel like I didn't help him and just made worst everything... he ended up closing his facebook and msn (chat) account... three days have past since that and he hadn't open the FB account yet :/ I feel really bad because I gave him the back when I'm the one saying that friends are the most important thing to me besides family.
I don't deserve his forgiveness but I don't know what to do. Because my friends have done the same thing to me, I just feel like when I felt sad because of that it didn't matter to anyone and that just because he is him he can come to me and complain about that as if my sadness because of thatthing had never happened :/ it's just not fair to me and I cannot say I'm sorry because they didn't say that to me when they let me down... I'm a proud person, but why does he and my friends act like if I were made of gum? they just treat me like whatevertheywant and go away, but if I say something to them they'll immediately say the contrary and make me a side, I don't get it... are we friends or am I just a toy for you?

This has not being my week :/ my mom is sick, I failed two subjects, I let down a friend and my friends treat me like poppy, I'm getting fatter because of stress and my sister has problems with my parents... I feel like life is just not fair to me... I give the most and the best of me and I fail in everything I do DX I just want to cry I buy an Ice cream bowl so I could eat it while crying at my room without internet and my dog :(
What do I do?...
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