Mirtha lives in a farest region of the city, so I was more in contact with Liliana than her, but it doesn't mater because we are friends. One day, she disappeared from our lives. We didn't knew if it was because of his family or what but she just move on to a different place almost without saying a word. After four years of not hearing almost anything from her, she just reappeared yesterday.
She went to Liliana's house early in the morning. They called to my house and then we meet almost immediately. It was like a dream, to find her finally. She had really come back with us. We talked a lot and we went for some food to a local restaurant, I hadn't laugh like that in YEARS!! it was an amazing experiences to rediscover.
Once I told you about this 'gift' that I have to predict things to happen. As when I talk about muffins and the next day there are muffins everywhere. Well, I was talking to Liliana a few days ago and we wondered about Mirtha.
A friend of mine told me once 'Use your gift to do good stuff, don't use it for the negative things we don't need'
I really thought that it would be nice to at least get a call from Mirtha, but seeing her yesterday was way much better! Real friends never leave us, they are always in our hearts. She made my day a Liliana's day too. We are very happy that we found her again. We spend a nice time together and we actually made an appointment to go to the movies tomorrow. I can't wait to met together again! I guess it's true what people say: 'If you love something, let it go, if it returns back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be. '
Real friendships are forever, never question that :)

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