Macoy dice:
about what?
ಠ_ಠ Zatsu ಠ_ಠ ... dice:
dunno bad stuff, zombies, my turtle.... Snape was there too, bu he was kinda evil .
And everything was madness, evrything was like a circus, with brilliant colors and weird circus admosphere
and everything was like a game... like if everything and everyne where part of a game. It was weird... something's happening to me
I haven't had a nightmare it YEARS!
I must gel Belovski , he'll know what to do e0e!
Macoy dice:
it was the fall at soriana, it woke up a resting part of your brains
don't take it too seriously, it was, just a nightmare... an by the sound of it, a very random one.. don't worry
ಠ_ಠ Zatsu ಠ_ಠ ... dice:
no, I've been having nightmares a little after I got here and they're gettin worse e0e
Macoy dice:
they'll end, it happened the same to me when I started living in matamoros
ಠ_ಠ Zatsu ಠ_ಠ ... dice:
well, it started with snape throwing Tama to an aquarium with a killer watersnake e-e but the we moved to ''' salma's apartment''' and everytihign was strage...
when we got to the dorm (it looked like one) there were sme of her friends (that I've never seen in my life) and they were not havig sex, just rubing their bodies in kamasutra's numbers... then they said something... that we neded to get ready
because 'they'were commig e-e
and they gave uss little pieces of something with diferete shapes and they looked like little beads.... purple and white ones ...
but you couldn't take many because if you did you'ld increase your debt with 'him' (a scar
y clown that controled the place'
and those things were supposed to help us to get away with the zombies...
it was really strange...
Macoy dice:
I agree on that ...
I've had weirder dreams though
ಠ_ಠ Zatsu ಠ_ಠ ... dice:
and there were other strange stuff, like food, animals... walls, alleys , and it seemed like if we
were inside something.
like a domo... or a bigger room e-e
It was a place I've never been before on my dreams e0e
Macoy dice:
ಠ_ಠ Zatsu ಠ_ಠ ... dice:
everything seemed dirty, like if no one cared about the place... e-e
I'm hungry, maybe it was that .... don't wanna thing about it anymoarrr
Macoy dice:
don't do it, it'll fade away soon
and eat
ಠ_ಠ Zatsu ಠ_ಠ ... dice:
it sounds like a good horror movie thou! xD
Macoy dice:
kind of hahaha
ಠ_ಠ Zatsu ಠ_ಠ ... dice:
we needed to get out of that place, but I didn't even know how I got to that place , to beging with
ASDAS DKAS I'm gonna stop talikng bout it xD it's giving me creeps
That wasn't the end of the conversation, but we were going out of the subject. BTW: in case that you don't know, I used to suffer of insomnia and I used to have tons of nightmares, so once my mom gave me a plushie bear (when I was like 14), I named him Belovski and since the moment he slept in y bed I stopped having nightmares, so I assumed he had just eat them up, kinda. When time passed I realized I didn't need him anymore, so I put it him at a stand in my room ad he's been there for years... now I'm considering to bring hims back with me to Monterrey,
it's a small bed, but I always have enough space for my stuffed friends :)

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