lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012


I'm sad :/

As final work, my art's class had to create a play and put it on scene; i was lert alone and my final team was just one more person, so everything was harder for us.

We didn't erote a play, but instead, we wrote an adaptarion of a short story i had wrotten about dreams.

At the moment of the presentation, everything went wrong and i improvised a lot ( not to mention my glasses brokex-x)

I can't sleep, I can't deam ~ (8)

I'm supposed to be sleeping... I have annimoortant test in about 4 hours and i feel almost ready, but i know i wont wake up on time eOe .. I'm so excited for a lot of things that i really want to talk you about, but i know right now is not the momment... So, maybe tomorrow i'll do it x_x

And btw, i got ab 85 As final grae o child psyhology :D i'm so happy about it!! X3 i'll definitelly tell you about it latter :D

Good nights~~ ( days? LOL) x3